Geologists and geophysicists have a wide variety of methods for looking into the Earth.
1) Drilling Holes (wells) Typical configuration of an on-land oil well drilling derrick. |
This is the simplest method in theory, but it is limited in its practical application because of problems with pressure, weight, time, and cost. Drilling rigs can be as small as a device mounted on the back of a truck and as large as stationary rigs tens of metres high and capable of drilling many kilometres into the earth. In the case of a large oil drilling rig (see diagram to the right), a long, hollow pipe with a drill bit on the end is rotated and pushed into the earth. The pipe is hollow so that a liquid mud can be pumped down the inside of the pipe to lubricate the drill bit and carry up debris created by the drill bit as it chews up the rock as it flows back up the outside of the pipe. The density of this mud is carefully controlled so that its weight counteracts the pressure of any fluids trapped in the rocks below and prevents them from explosively shooting out of the drill hole. A heavy valve called a blowout preventer can close off the flow of material up the well if pressure underground overcomes the drilling mud. The well is lined with concrete (called casing) near the surface early in the process for extra reinforcement and to keep loose soil from falling down into the well. For a more detailed description, check out this Kansas Geological Survey primer. Wikipedia has a good description of different drilling methods, too.
The drill pipe (also called the "string") is made up of 10 metre sections that are screwed together. The drill bit is at the bottom of this string. The top-most pipe, called the drive pipe or Kelly pipe, has a polygonal cross-section so that a matching collar attached to the derrick motor can turn it more effectively. More pipes are screwed onto the top of the string as the drill bit goes deeper. As each pipe is added, the Kelly at the top must be unscrewed from the pipe below it, the new pipe added, then the Kelly pipe screwed back on to the top of the new pipe. Wells can be as much as several kilometres long (they are not necessarily vertical), so hundreds of 10 m pipes must be used. Eventually, the weight of all of these pipes becomes too heavy to turn and so heavy that they will break under their own weight. Very deep wells often use more expensive drill bits that are turned by a turbine which is powered by the flow of the drilling mud down the inside of the pipe string so that the pipe itself does not need to rotate. |
Lithostatic Pressure
Kola Superdeep Borehole |
![]() The cap for the Kola Superdeep Borehole: bolted and welded in place. |
Analysis |
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On land, a modestly deep drill hole, only a few kilometres, deep can cost over $10 million to make. This is huge amount of money gives you a view of an 25 cm wide bit of the earth. Drilling or coring wells offshore (in the ocean) usually costs about 20 times more than operations carried on land. If a core sample is needed, the cost of that is on the order of $3000 per metre (more if only a short section is needed. Coring the whole well would about double the cost of the well, so on short sections of critical depths are cored. Well logging is much cheaper at a few dollars per metre.
2) Geophysical Imaging:Gravity and Magnetic Surveys
Sensors to detect subtle variations in the Earth’s gravitational or magnetic fields can be towed from aircraft and ships. The maps made from the data collected from these devices allow inferences to be made as to the structure and composition of bodies of rock deep within the crust and upper-most mantle. Gravity differences reflect the presence of rock masses of different density such as high density ore bodies and low-density roots extending into the mantle below mountains. Certain minerals produce their own magnetic field. Both measurements can be used to detect different geologic structure that are deep within the crust and upper mantle where they are otherwise out of sight.
Magnetically susceptible minerals align to the earth's magnetic field as rocks cool from a magma or lava. Since the Earth's magnetic changes episodically, the magnetic field generated by the minerals in the rock can be used to infer when a particular body of rock was formed.
Measurements of variations in earth's gravity field also can be obtained from special satellites. These bob up and down in their orbits as the gravity field weakens or strengthens under them. This effect can be observed from companion satellites or from ground tracking stations.
![]() Aircraft fitted out for a magnetic survey in Ghana. |
Magnetic anomaly map of the state of Alaska. Different colours represent differences in the strength of the local magnetic field. |
This is a computerized gravity anomaly map of the Chicxulub impact crater just north of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. The crater is on the order of 200 km in diameter. It is thought to have resulted from the asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous Period which precipitated the extinction of the dinosaurs. Changes to rock density from the impact event preserve a record of the now-eroded-away crater. The crater was discovered using gravity data obtained from a small aircraft. |
This shows the process by which basalt rock records the earth's magnetic field orientation as it solidifies between tectonic plates which are moving apart from each other. This was important evidence in the development of the theory of plate tectonics. |
3) Ground Penetrating Radar
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) also can be used to detect features below the earth's surface. GPR can be deployed from transmitters towed over the ground on from aircraft and spacecraft. GPR images were used to discover ancient river channels buried under the desert sands in Sudan. To the left is a comparison of two images in northern Sudan taken from the same orbital flyover of the space shuttle. On top is an image made using visual light showing desert sand. Below is the same image with a superimposed GPR path which clearly shows ancient river channels under the sand. |
![]() A helicopter towing a wire loop and detector apparatus for electromagnetic induction imaging. The larger outer loop is the transmitter. The smaller loops are receivers. |
The Kola Peninsula and Barents Sea: site of the electromagnetic survey described above as well as the Kola Superdeep Borehole. | ![]() |
5) Space-based photography When one is observing a rock outcrop it can be very useful to understand the larger context into which that small patch of rock fits. For example, imagine that you are at a small outcrop in the Appalachian Mountains in Pennsylvania. You will have no doubt that you are in a mountain range, but how those mountains formed and how that process would help explain what you see in your outcrop might not be at all obvious. Access to space-based photographs such as provided by Google satellite view makes the big picture clear. As shown below, it is obvious that the rock layers have been compressed and folded up like an accordion. The ability to zoom in and out between a regional view and the satellite view of an individual outcrop has made a huge difference for structural geologists trying to understand what they see when looking at an outcrop. ![]() |